Social responsibility

Annika Parkkonen, VP, HR, Nordic Morning Plc

“We want to create
a culture of collaboration
and engagement”

Focus on people

The core task of the Group HR is to support, engage, and assist employees to help them succeed in their work. The cornerstones of HR strategy are Learning and Development, Leadership, and Culture of Engagement.


We continued our leadership development efforts by providing managerial training and coaching related to current themes as well as supporting our employees' expertise with training and education.

The key strategic themes in HR were strengthening the employees' engagement and developing the employer brand.

The internal employer brand was developed further by launching the third module of the internal game HEIMO. A culture research was conducted in the fall in order to better understand the diversity of company cultures within the Group.

The mentoring phase of the development program for high-potential employees, The Nordic Bond 002, was completed in the spring. A new nine-month mentoring program started in the fall with 30 mentor-actor pairs.


Our aim is to enhance collaboration and create a culture of engagement. If we win the hearts of our employees, we have succeeded.

In 2017, we will continue to develop our employer brand with targeted activities to enhance engagement among our employees and key candidate groups.

We will also focus on collaboration and continue working with Group wide competence development programs such as mentoring. As leadership continues to be one of our strategic cornerstones, the emphasis will be in updating our Leader Profile and strengthening the change leadership capabilities.

HR strategy


The constant changes in today’s business environment and the surrounding world create a growing need for the continuous development of leadership. Leaders are to create a work environment that enables engagement and commitment in order to achieve good results, development, and innovation.

To create meaning at work in times of constant change, the leaders need to ensure there is a clear vision and direction, as well as conditions where employees thrive and succeed. Leaders need to perceive their employees as unique individuals and meet their needs for praise, encouragement, challenges, guidance, and support. We believe that leadership development is an ongoing process that creates the foundation for successful business operations.

Learning and Development

Learning and development at work is a critical success factor with regard to business growth. We constantly challenge ourselves and our working methods, and by doing that we are learning and developing, which enables compelling customer relationships and the development of a new kind of service offering.

Learning also makes work more meaningful and increases commitment to the company. We are building an environment in which every employee has the chance to learn something new every day and discover fresh ideas and perspectives. Through collaboration with colleagues, partners, and customers in various projects, we are constantly seeking to create value and creative solutions. In our culture, where learning is embedded, we want to develop our employees in goal-oriented, active, and diverse way.

Culture of Engagement

Attracting and securing the commitment of the best talents is a challenge in a world that is becoming increasingly transparent. Having the most interesting projects, best colleagues, and a positive spirit of getting things done are reflected externally in strong results and a consistent way of working, as well as in recommendations and referrals.

A culture of engagement and success creates meaning for each employee’s work. The key factors in this include the company’s values and mission, individuals having a clearly defined role as part of the bigger picture, high autonomy and a degree of influence, as well as feedback and continuous development. We believe that this kind of culture enables us to build a work environment that creates a strong commitment among the best talents in our industry.

Key behaviors at Nordic Morning

Passion for Success

We have a positive attitude towards working smoothly and achieving targets. We take the initiative in development.

Openness and Sharing

We want to understand others, work together and be part of a team.

Curiosity to Learn and Innovate

We are curious. We want to learn to know things, people and challenges better. We also want to ask questions, question things and challenge the current ways of doing things and be open to new solutions.

Helping Customers Succeed

We want to serve customers and other stakeholders, and satisfy their needs. We focus our resources on understanding and satisfying customer needs.

Gender distribution of employees

Employment contract type

Age distribution of employees

Business area under 30 years 30-50 years over 50 years
Visibility & Service Design 22% 75% 3%
Content 9% 60% 31%
Campaigns & Dialogue 2% 49% 50%
Other 9% 37% 53%


The management has a short-term incentive program for which no bonuses were accrued in 2016.

The Group also had a long-term incentive program (LTI) for management related to the financial years 2013–2015. Half of the LTI accrual was paid in 2016, and the other half will be paid in 2017. The total accrual of the long-term program stands at EUR 41 000 excluding social costs. No new LTI program was launched during 2016.

The Board of Directors has decided to pay an additional one-time bonus of maximum 40% of annual salary to ex-CEO if agreed terms will be met. In the annual account, a provision of EUR 110 000 has been booked for that.

 The management incentive bonuses that accrued in 2016

 EURCEOOther members of
the Group Management Team
Short-term incentive program 0 0 0
Long-term incentive program 0 0 0
Additional incentive bonuses 110 000 0 110 000
Total 110 000 0 110 000